Still time to register for the September 26th Science Olympiad Training!

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Go to to reserve your place in this full day (8-4) of training in Howell Hall on the campus of the University of Central Oklahoma

Registration closes at the end of the day Wednesday, September 23rd!

The conference is free and lunch is provided.

Trainers for this conference have set up a full schedule designed to get you set up and ready for the 2015-16 tournament season.

Trainers include:

Diane Herron – Bartlesville

Aaron Washburn – Tinker AFB

Shannon Semet – Casady

Aric Sappington – Casady

Sarah Bailey – Broken Arrow

Gayle Hahn – Broken Arrow

Our trainers provide a wealth of knowledge and experience that they will be able to share in this full-day workshop.  Their primary goal is to provide you with an overview of each of the 23 events in each division of this years Science Olympiad program. Along the way they will provide helpful hints and insights based upon their experiences in Science Olympiad at the state and national level.  Many have attended the National Science Olympiad Training Conference, most have been coaches for many years, and one was a student in a Science Olympiad program in middle and high school and is now in a STEM career field.

Download the program schedule: 15-16 SO Training Program

Each division will follow a separate strand which will review each of the 23 events in this year’s tournament catalog.  Each review will include an overview of the event rules and scoring procedures and a review of changes in the event from last year (when applicable).  During lunch (provided) we will conduct two panel discussions, one for event supervisors and another for coaches. The schedule has been arranged so that participants, particularly event supervisors, can follow a morning-only or afternoon-only schedule and still participate in the lunch and panel discussions.


The official 2016 Science Olympiad rule books have arrived and will be available for teams who have paid by check or Purchase Order for 2015-16 membership.  We will not be able to process payments at the conference.