State Tournament Results


Casady B and C teams celebrate wins at the State Tournament. (photo Lisa Bek-gran)


The University of Central Oklahoma once again played host to the Oklahoma Science Olympiad State Tournament.  23 teams competed for honors and the right to represent Oklahoma at the National Science Olympiad tournament on May 16th at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln.

Tournament Results:

Division B:

1st Place – Casady Middle School, Oklahoma City.  Aric Sappington, Coach

2nd Place – Whittier Middle School, Norman.  Nikki Tolbert, Coach

3rd Place – Central Middle School, Bartlesville. Diane Herron, Coach

Division C:

1st Place – Casady Upper School, Oklahoma City. Lisa Bek-gran, Coach

2nd Place – Union High School, Tulsa. Jenny Jackson, Coach

3rd Place – Tishomingo, High School, Tishomingo. Selena Thomas, Coach

As always, the Oklahoma Science Olympiad is grateful to our tournament host, the University of Central Oklahoma and the Dean of the School of Math and Science, Dr. Charlotte Simmons and our Tournament Director, Dr. Beth Allan for their support for the State Tournament.

Thanks must also go to the many people who donated their time this year to the Oklahoma Science Olympiad.  This includes the many people who served as Event Supervisors at any of the tournaments held this year.  These STEM Professionals make it possible to hold 46 events for the over 400 students who participated in the Science Olympiad this year.  There are many other volunteers that serve roles in supporting teams, providing transport, mentoring, and helping to put on tournaments.  At the State Tournament alone, students from UCO, OSU, and OU were working behind the scenes to provide logistical support.  Event Supervisors from the United States Air Force, NOAA, the National Severe Storms Lab, OU, the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, OG&E, UCO, the Sooner Flight Academy, Rose State College, and from most of the participating schools, made it possible to offer all but one of the Science Olympiad events.

Finally, thank you to all students and Coaches who participated in the Science Olympiad this year.  Tell all your friends and bring them on board and involved next school year in America’s number one STEM Competition.