OKSciOly Awarded a National Science Olympiad Incentive Grant

The Science Olympiad USA Foundation solicited applications for two $10,000 and one $5,000 grants for state chapters this year.  The grants are intended to reward creative programming that helps grow Div. A, B or C membership, add professional development opportunities or bring Science Olympiad to underserved communities. OKSciOly has been awarded one of the $10,000 incentive grants to fund a project that aims to provide support for teams in their first year of participation in Science Olympiad. The grant was written to also extend eligibility to teams that would be returning to Science Olympiad after several years of not participating (Teams that have not participated since March 2020). 

The grant will fund up to 8 participating schools, each of which will receive $500 for purchase of Science Olympiad dedicated tools and materials. Each school will also receive a copy of the Science Olympiad Coaching Program (worth $199).  In addition, each participating school will be assigned an experienced Mentor Coach who will be available for consultation and assistance from team start up through to the team’s first tournament.

To qualify for the grant assistance, participating schools will provide a letter of support from their school administration that includes evidence of additional school financial support for materials and supplies that matches or exceeds the $500 support provided by the grant.  The financial support can include Science Olympiad membership fees.

So, did your school have a Division B or C Science Olympiad team before the pandemic and you just haven’t been able to get it re-started?Have you been hanging around the edges of Science Olympiad but haven’t found a way past any start-up barriers?Do you have a friend in another school who really needs to join us in the Nation’s Most Exciting Science Competition?

There will never be a better time or opportunity to get started in the Oklahoma Science Olympiad.  

Contact Bob Melton for more information about joining OKSciOly and participating in the Incentive Grant.