Time to get ready for the 2023 season of the Oklahoma Science Olympiad. The season officially starts September 6th with the 9 AM CDT release of the FREE Rules manuals available for download at https://www.soinc.org/rules-2023.
The OKSciOly Coaches conference is Saturday, September 17th at the University of Central Oklahoma. Registration for the conference will open soon and a link will be posted here and on OKSciOly Basecamp.
Membership in OKSciOly will open on or about September 1st on Scilympiad.com.
Two in-state Invitational tournaments are in the planning stages and details will be released as soon as dates and times are confirmed. Both will be in-person tournaments as will the State Tournament on April 1st.
This year the Science Olympiad National Tournament will be held at Wichita State University.
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