Casady Tournament – Fantastic!

Hope your team made it to the 1st (Annual?) Casady Invitational Tournament.  Over 300 participants, parents, and Event Supervisors packed the Fee Auditorium for the awards presentation following a full day of competition from 26 teams from 20 schools.

Final Results, Division B and C
School Name No TtlScore
Casady School Casady School C1 49
Union HS Union High School C5 51
Tishomingo HS Tishomingo HS C3 81
Harding Charter Prep HS Harding Charter Prep HS C4 120
Putnam City HS Putnam City HS C6 150
Dove Science Academy Tulsa Dove Science Academy C8 154
Dove Science Academy OKC Dove Science Academy C9 171
Putnam City West HS Putnam City West HS C2 221
Putnan City North Putnan City North C7 227
School Name No TtlScore
Casady School Casady 8 B3 83
Whittier MS Whittier 3 B16 114
Casady School Casady 7 B2 128
Casady School Casady 6 B1 167
Western Oaks MS Western Oaks MS B5 176
Cooper MS Cooper MS 2 B8 197
Cimarron MS Cimarron MS B9 205
Oneta Ridge MS Oneta Ridge 1 B10 207
Irving MS Irving MS B17 214
Whittier MS Whittier 1 B12 222
Oneta Ridge MS Oneta Ridge 2 B11 236
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School B4 259
Whittier MS Whittier 2 B13 259
Cooper MS Cooper MS 1 B7 274
Longfellow MS Longfellow MS B15 313
Hefner MS Hefner Middle School B6 339

The Tournament was organized by Casady Coaches Shannon Semet and Aric Sappington with support from the Casady MIddle Division staff and a very large number of parent volunteers.  Thanks as well to the Casady School Administration for their warm welcome  and gracious hospitality.

Special Thanks to all of the Event Supervisors who volunteer their time and expertise in support of the Oklahoma Science Olympiad.  None of this wonderful, exciting program can exist with your continued help and support.

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