Time to Register for the Annual OKSciOly Coach and Event Supervisor Conference.

The Oklahoma Science Olympiad Training Conference for the 2025 competition season will take place September 21, 2024 in Donald Betz STEM Research and Learning Center on the campus of the University of Central Oklahoma. 

Science Olympiad Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Event Supervisors are encouraged to attend. 

The opening session will begin at 8 AM.

The workshop format will be different than in past years, but there will be time to learn about every event. Details will be posted on Basecamp as the workshop approaches.

Pre-Registration is required. Coffee and Donuts are provided in the morning. Lunch and refreshments are provided in the afternoon. Please let us know of any dietary restrictions.

Register here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/OKSciOlytraining