2025 OKSciOly Event Schedule

The 40th Anniversary year of Science Olympiad is in the rear-view mirror and it’s time to start thinking about the 41st season!

One of the keys to success in Science Olympiad is also the answer to the question “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” Practice, Practice, Practice. With that in mind, the Oklahoma event schedule features three invitational tournaments before the Regional tournaments in February and the State Tournament in April. Add these important dates to your calendar and start making plans to participate!

September 3rd – 2025 Rules release

September 21st – OKSciOly Coaches workshop Donald Betz STEM Research and Learning Center, UCO, Edmond https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/OKSciOlytraining

November 16th – OSU Invitational, Stillwater https://scilympiad.com/ok-osu

December 7th – Jenks Invitational, Jenks Math and Science Center, Jenks https://scilympiad.com/ok-Jenks

January 26th – OU College of Engineering Invitational, OU, Norman https://scilympiad.com/ok-ou

February 15th – East Regional Tournament, Putnam City High School, Oklahoma City https://scilympiad.com/ok

March 1st – West Regional Tournament, Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Weatherford https://scilympiad.com/ok

April 5th – OKSciOly State Tournament, College of Math and Science UCO, Edmond https://scilympiad.com/ok

There are a couple of other possible workshops for students in development. No details as of yet, but as soon as we have more concrete information, we’ll pass it along.

There is still time to enroll in the National SO produced summer workshops! The online workshop features all 46 events and provides 12 hours of instruction from the national event committee members. The workshop spans 5 session spread across one week. All the sessions are recorded and you get and advanced look at the event rules and gain in-depth familiarity with the idiosyncratic features that are inherent in the system. The in-person build workshop is a bit more expensive, but provides 16 hours of truly hands-on building experience under the guidance of the national committee members for these events. Details for both workshops are here.