Saturday, January 19, 2019
Putnam City High School hosts the next Invitational Tournament of the 2018-19 Oklahoma Science Olympiad tournament season. Tournament Check-in begins at 7 AM and the first tournament events begin at 8. There day concludes with presentation of Awards at 5:15 PM.
Each Division is scheduled to offer all 23 events of the 2019 Science Olympiad event list.
Don’t have a Science Olympiad teammate your High School or Middle School? This is an excellent opportunity for you to see Science Olympiad in action! Most events held in classrooms are closed from public view, but a number of events, like Mousetrap Cars, Battery Buggies, Boomilever testing, Elastic Launch Glider, and Wright Stuff (elastic band powered aircraft) are held in large spaces with room for spectators. Come see the Nation’s Most Exciting STEM Competition and find out why your school should join the 8,000+ Science Olympiad teams across the country.
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