1st – Begin by enrolling your team(s) in the Science Olympiad. This year we are once again waiving the state fee for Science Olympiad membership. That will reduce the cost of annual membership to $60 per team, which is the national Science Olympiad fee. Remember that only paid member teams can compete in Science Olympiad tournaments. Each team can bring no more that 15 students to tournament. Please consult the Science Olympiad rules for additional details as to grade requirements for Division B and Division C teams as there are restrictions and limitations.
The 2017-18 Oklahoma Science Olympiad Enrollment form is found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SO2018enrollment
Note that this year you will send your fee to different address from last year.
The address to send all Purchase Orders and Checks is:
Science Olympiad
University of Central Oklahoma
Campus Box 177
100 N. University Drive
Edmond OK 73034
Attn: Sharon Kelting
University of Central Oklahoma
Campus Box 177
100 N. University Drive
Edmond OK 73034
Attn: Sharon Kelting
Please be sure to print a copy of the enrollment form to include with your Purchase Order/Check.
Enroll today and be one of the 7800+ teams that participate in Science Olympiad each year.
Any questions regarding your enrollment or fees, etc. should be directed to: bmelton@putnamcityschools.org.
2nd – Register to attend the annual Oklahoma Science Olympiad training conference on September 23rd at the University of Central Oklahoma in Howell Hall. This is a FULL DAY (8 AM – 4 PM) training for coaches and event supervisors. We review each and every one of the 23 events in Division B and in Division C as well as have sessions specific to Science Olympiad Coaches and Olympiad Event Supervisors. The workshop is free and lunch is provided!
Sign up for the Science Olympiad Training Conference here:
September 22nd is the deadline to register for the conference.
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